Etiquette Guide
Lawn Bowls is a game with several points of etiquette. These points, especially once learned and appreciated, create a pleasant atmosphere for all those involved in playing the game. So whether you are a beginner or have been playing bowls for a longer time, it would be worth acquainting yourself with the following practices before you next participate in a game.
Please remember that the following is a guide and not a list of strict rules of behaviour; most of the time it is merely a matter of exercising some common sense and courtesy.
1, Be on time:
This is really a matter of courtesy to members both of your own team and that of your opponents. Arriving on time gives adequate time to change before the game starts. Arriving early also gives you an opportunity to help ensure that all necessary equipment, jacks, mats, score boards, pushers, etc. are in position before the game begins.
2, Dress Appropriately:
Ensure that you know the dress code for the game in which you are to play. This is indicated in the Club Fixture Card by use of letters adjacent to the match (ie: G = GREYS or W – WHITES) The dress code is also indicated on the team Sheet for friendly matches.
Please remember NOT to arrive wearing your bowling shoes as you may carry harmful fungus or other contaminants onto the green.
3, Shake Hands:
It is good sportsmanship to shake hands and introduce oneself before the game begins. Similarly you should shake hands with both your opponents and your own rink members on completion of a game. It is also customary to offer to buy your opponent a drink after a game.
4, Stand Still When a Player is About to Bowl:
Bowls is a game of concentration and therfore it is important that you avoid moving around when someone else is about to bowl. If you are standing at the head please wait until the person bowling has delivered his/her wood before moving. Alternatively, if you are at the same end as the person delivering his/her wood, please stay away from the mat and out of the players line if vision. You should always stand well back from the mat, at least 1 metre, not approaching it until that player has completed his/her turn.
On sunny days ensure that your shadow is not cast on the jack. Similarly, if you are wearing white shoes, avoid standing behind a white jack as you may interfere with the player’s view of the jack.
If you are standing in the head, stay inside the rink markers and avoid obscuring the central rink number as these may be used by some bowlers to find their line and for setting the jack.
Bowl is a very social game and players often talk to one another during the match but avoid being too loud as this may become a distraction on you own or an adjacent rink
5, Be Alert as You Walk Around the Green:
Be aware, when walking around the green, of games already in progress. Check before walking past the end of a rink that a player is not about to deliver his/her wood, and if so, STOP and WAIT until they have done so before moving on. Do this when walking past any rink on your way to and from your destination.
Avoid straying into an adjacent rink if a game is in progress there. This can be very distracting to the players on that rink, particularly if they are about to deliver a wood.
DO NOT sit on the bank at the end of the rink whilst waiting to play. In doing so people tend to place their feet on the green and this can be damaging to the edges of the green.
6, Observe the Rules of Possession:
The Laws of Bowls state that possession of the rink/mat will belong to the player or team whose wood is being played. Once the wood has been delivered and come to rest, possession of the rink passes to the opposing team, after allowing time for a ‘toucher’ to be marked.
7, Acknowledgements are in order:
Competition is a crucial ingredient in enjoying the game, but so too is acknowledgement of others, including opponents, woods well delivered. Congratulate an opponent on a good shot whilst acknowledging any of your own lucky shots whenever necessary.
8, Do Not Drop that Wood:
Dropping or throwing woods for no particular reason is considered impolite. Bowls Greens are delicate and dropping woods on them could damage the surface.
9, Take Care when Entering and Leaving the Mat:
There are no hard and fast rules about this, but when it is your turn to bowl, step onto the mat from one side or the other. When you have completed your turn, step forward and then move to one side or the other. The important thing is to avoid bumping into other players as you exit the mat, so don’t step backwards off the mat. The simplest option when awaiting your turn to bowl is to avoid standing immediately behind the player waiting for him/her to vacate the mat. Give them the space you would wish for yourself.
10, Players Responsibility within the Rink:
The SKIP has sole responsibility for the rink and the other members of the rink must follow his/her instructions. The skip also has possession of and responsibility for keeping the score card and recording the score on the score board when at that end of the green.
The THIRD has sole responsibility to agree with his/her opposite number the total number of shots scored and to measure any disputed woods.
Whilst this is in progress, the TWO and the LEAD of both teams may gather up the other woods in readiness for the start of the next end. They DO NOT involve themselves with measuring or agreeing the number of shots scored. The THIRD also tells the Skip, the number of shots scored for or against their team as each end is completed.
The HOMESide TWO is responsible for recording the score on the score board when at that end of the green.
The LEAD, if his/her team is to play first, places the mat and delivers the jack at the start of the end.
In a TRIPLES game, the TWO adopts the role of the THIRD as described above.
11, No Smoking/Vaping on the Green: