The Wrong Bias
"The wrong bias" refers to an error in which the bowl is delivered with the bias facing the wrong way. Lawn bowls are asymmetrical, designed with a weight distribution (bias) that causes them to curve during their path. Players must aim the bowl with the correct bias to make it curve in the desired direction towards the jack.
If the bias is incorrectly positioned (facing the opposite side), the bowl will curve away from the target instead of towards it. This is considered a common mistake, especially for beginners, and can lead to the bowl veering significantly off course, sometimes even out of play. To avoid this, players often check the marking or symbol on the bowl indicating the bias before delivering it.
These can be quite entertaining for both players and spectators. Here are a few examples:
Bowl Heading for the Opponent's Target
Instead of curving gracefully toward your jack (target), the bowl might head straight for the opponent's area, potentially helping their game. This often gets a good laugh from those watching.
Bowl Rolling Out of Play
A wrong bias can cause the bowl to curve sharply off the green, disappearing into bushes, sand, or even a nearby audience area. Watching a bowler sheepishly retrieve their rogue bowl can be quite amusing.
Hitting Unexpected Objects
A bowl might curve in a way that hits another player’s bowl, the scoreboard, or someone's foot (hopefully without injury), leading to funny reactions.
Bowler's Reaction
Players often have exaggerated or comedic reactions to a wrong bias, such as throwing their hands in the air, groaning dramatically, or mock-scolding their bowl for disobedience.
Hero to Zero Moments
A player might deliver a near-perfect first bowl, only to follow it with a wrong bias. The contrast between their confidence and the unexpected result is often a source of laughter.
You know you’ve picked the wrong bias when your bowl heads off like it’s got dinner plans elsewhere. It's not so much a competition anymore—just a game of spot the rogue bowl!"
In friendly games, these mishaps add to the fun and camaraderie, making the game enjoyable even for spectators.